Electronic file management at the Federal Administrative Court

Administrative order concerning the electronic file management at the Federal Administrative Court

  1. On the basis of section 2 second sentence of the Ordinance on the File Management at the Federal Courts (Bundesgerichte-Aktenführungsverordnung ) of 27 March 2020 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 745), the files of the following proceedings at the Federal Administrative Court will be managed electronically from the date specified therein:
No. Proceedings Date
1 All new and continued proceedings of the 1st and 5th Senate. It is left to the decision of the respective Senate to suspend electronic file management with regard to individual proceedings inasmuch as it causes unacceptable additional expenses or as it is excluded by a specific need for protection or any other imperative reason. 1 September 2022
2 All new and continued proceedings of the 3rd and 6th Senate. It is left to the decision of the respective Senate to suspend electronic file management with regard to individual proceedings inasmuch as it causes unacceptable additional expenses or as it is excluded by a specific need for protection or any other imperative reason. 1 December 2022
3 All new and continued proceedings of the 4th and 9th Senate. It is left to the decision of the respective Senate to suspend electronic file management with regard to individual proceedings inasmuch as it causes unacceptable additional expenses or as it is excluded by a specific need for protection or any other imperative reason. 1 March 2023
4 All new and continued proceedings of the 7th, 8th and 10th Senate. It is left to the decision of the respective Senate to suspend electronic file management with regard to individual proceedings inasmuch as it causes unacceptable additional expenses or as it is excluded by a specific need for protection or any other imperative reason. 1 May 2023
5 All new and continued proceedings of the 2nd Senate. It is left to the decision of the respective Senate to suspend electronic file management with regard to individual proceedings inasmuch as it causes unacceptable additional expenses or as it is excluded by a specific need for protection or any other imperative reason. 1 September 2023
6 All new and continued proceedings of the 11th Senate, the Senate dealing with in camera cases, the 1st and 2nd Military Affairs Senate, the Grand Senate as well as in conciliation proceedings. It is left to the decision of the respective Senate to suspend electronic file management with regard to individual proceedings inasmuch as it causes unacceptable additional expenses or as it is excluded by a specific need for protection or any other imperative reason. 1 November 2023
  1. The contents of the court files that have been managed on paper until the reference date will not be transferred into electronic files.

  2. This administrative order enters into force on 1 November 2023.

Leipzig, 6 September 2023

The President of the Federal Administrative Court

Prof. Dr. Andreas Korbmacher